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Rabu, 26 Juni 2013

The Frightened Moment

Frightened Moment
          The Fearful moment for me is when I follow national selection to enter the college. Because I follow the lane which have a small chance to get away the selection.
          On the first registration, I go to register in Mandiri Bank. Many people which go to register almost all one who have pass the national examination in senior high school. They are following the test. But, I must optimism so that I can enter college to continue my education.
          After registration have been closed, I await test for enter the college. Finally, test executed one week after registration closed. I test in SMPN 1 Tarakan and when I see the questions which test very complicated. I feel, I will not get away in this test and do not get away selection to enter the college. But I must answer all of the questions.
          Then few days have elapsed and test to enter into college have been executed. I await result from it test. It result will be announced by online and manual. Finally, result of test has been announced by online and I check by internet. When I including registration number and password. I cannot enter because my registration number does not register and I feel very fear. Then I contact my sister who exists in the campus to check do I pass the selection or not by manual in campus. In the reality I expressed to pass.
          In the end feel fear of me is lose. Because I have listened information that I pass national selection enter the college.

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